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Fundación Social Universal signs a collaboration agreement with Fundación Generali The Human Safety Net
On the morning of July 26, the social work of the Generali insurance company signed a collaboration agreement with the Universal Social Foundation with the aim of incorporating, for the next school year, the Mamá Margarita Afternoon Home project into the "For...
Spring 2022 Interwoven Show
After four days of intense and satisfying work, we return home with a suitcase full of new projects. Meeting our customers again, continuing to build new business opportunities together, and observing how Rioma's new products are well received by the market,...
Rioma at the Spring Interwoven Show in North Carolina
Del 22 al 25 de mayo, estaremos presentes en Spring 2022 Interwoven Show, el principal evento mundial dedicado a reunir a todos los segmentos de la industria textil, organizado por International Textile Alliance (ITA). Este evento se celebra dos veces al año en mayo y...
Rioma, present at International Textile Alliance, Showtime Market
From November 14 to 17, we are in the USA at the largest international event of the textile sector: Showtime Market, High Point, NC. This textile fair brings together more than 600 companies in the sector, and is a unique opportunity to learn about advances, new...
CDTI I+D Project
RESEARCH ON HOME TEXTILES BASED ON NEW FINISHING PROCESSES (FUTURHOMETEX) The project developed by RIOMA, S.L. called "RESEARCH OF HOME FABRICS BASED ON NEW FINISHING PROCESSES" has been financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and...
Rioma Organic product line
Produced under socially and ecologically responsible standards Guided by its values of creativity, innovation, professionalism, responsibility and global commitment, Riomais known for manufacturing ecological and sustainable products, following eco-friendly production...
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Córdoba (España)
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