At Rioma we believe that education and wellness are fundamental pillars for the construction of a more conscious and sustainable future. For this reason, in collaboration with the Somos Naturaleza Foundation and with the support of the Fernan Nuñez City Council, we are working with the following organizations and La Caixa Foundation respectively, we are co-financing school and therapeutic garden projects that, beyond their agricultural function, become spaces for experiential learning, personal development and intergenerational wellbeing.
School gardens: education and sustainability
School gardens are an educational tool of great value, as they allow students to learn first-hand about the interrelationship between the environment, food and health. Through various activities, children experience the growing and harvesting process, encouraging healthier eating habits and a greater appreciation of local and organic food.
In addition to knowledge about sustainable agriculture, these spaces favor recreation and creativity, providing an outdoor environment where learning is combined with play and experimentation. They also enhance social and artistic skills, promoting teamwork and respect for nature.
For a school garden to fulfill its pedagogical function, it is essential that students actively participate in the cultivation, harvesting and preparation of food, working with native seeds and sustainable practices. In this way, knowledge is integrated that not only influences their nutrition and wellbeing, but also contributes to the formation of citizens who are more committed to their environment.

Therapeutic gardens: intergenerational wellness
As part of the project “Sowing smiles at any age: therapeutic gardens for intergenerational welfare”, the Therapeutic Gardens project in the Public Adult Education Center Antonio Gala has already started. This initiative, promoted by the Somos Naturaleza Foundation with the collaboration of the CaixaBank Montilla office and the Social Services Department of the City of Montilla, seeks to improve the quality of life of people through gardening and intergenerational therapeutic gardens.
The course aims to promote physical, emotional and social wellbeing, especially for the elderly, while strengthening ties between generations. During the first sessions, participants have explored the benefits of therapeutic gardens, set up accessible cultivation tables and started planting following principles of sustainability and accessibility.
In addition to what is learned, a close-knit group has been formed in which not only the participants learn, but also their teacher. As Elena Mancera, environmental and education technician at the Somos Naturaleza Foundation, says: “What we experience in these classes is something too beautiful. Here we all learn from each other and each person contributes something unique.”
At Rioma, we are proud to be part of these initiatives together with Fundación Somos Naturaleza and Fundación La Caixa, reinforcing our commitment to education, welfare and sustainable development, and contributing to the construction of a more respectful future for the environment and the generations to come.

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